Well, I guess it is about time weather has caught up to me in all my years of traveling. The weather report today for Antigua: RAIN WITH MORE OF A CHANCE FOR RAIN LATER. TOMORROW RAIN. THE NEXT DAY RAIN. You get the picture.
Today I visited a volcano called Pacaya. It is about an hour and a half away so I had to be up very early. Let me just say this about my experience, INCREDIBLE! I am so happy for another amazing experience. I also had a great time talking to the fellow members of my group. I met two ex Israeli soldiers, a family from Australia and just a boring American who has traveled the world and offered advice for future travels. Students you know just how much I love traveling and days like today reinforces it. Not only seeing and doing amazing things but meeting so many interesting people adds so much to my life. Traveling has expanded my horizons in so many critical ways.
I just got back from a great lunch and I am looking forward to chilling out tonight and getting ready for my next adventure tomorrow to visit some waterfalls, lagoons and underwater caves at Semuc Champey.
Alright I said I would write less. Check out the pictures and videos below. Internet is a little slow so videos are not loading. I will try later in the week. I really wanted to share the videos too because it got pretty intense up there with wind and sleet. REALLY COOL EXPERIENCE!
Another volcano in the distance
Yum! let me eat on this nutritionally enriching POOH! Well not me, but you get the picture. Beetle was huge!
Check out this crater lake. PRETTY AWESOME, with rare forms of fish.
Yeah, I was struggling at this point. Warm, sweaty and sticky. That was about to change as the weather came in AGAIN!
Look at how dark the terrain or soil is. Weather about to get crazy
How do you do Mr.?
Who knew there were gangs of dogs in Pacaya? Thankfully they didnt rob me or rough me up.